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Discover the joy!
We'd love to help your military wife community find joy in the trenches! Connect with us below and our founders will collaborate with your retreat team to curate a main session, breakout, or leadership training specific to your community needs.

We can't wait to connect!
K'Lee Reynolds

K’lee Reynolds has been faithfully serving the military wife community alongside her husband for 12 years. She is passionate about meeting military wives in the trenches and guiding them to the feet of Jesus.


After enduring multiple combat deployments, K’lee comes alongside hurting military wives with compassion, warmth, and understanding. Her deepest desire is to help women know the Lord through relationship, not perfection as they discover the depths of His love and sweetness of His grace.


K’lee leads women to freedom in Christ, as they rest in His presence and stand firm on His promises.


Ashlee Beasley has been a military wife and ministry leader for over 10 years. She is a passionate Bible Teacher who encourages military wives with a fresh perspective of their circumstances and helps them return to the joy of their salvation.

Ashlee leads the military wife to the origin of joy by guiding her through the necessary heart work and equipping her with a right understanding of The Lord, His Word, and herself.


Ashlee and her husband have endured multiple deployments and spent five years living overseas with their three young children. Her deepest desire is to help every military wife know she is not alone in the valley and to help her believe the Lord meets her there as He restores her soul and sustains her to thrive. 

Ashlee Beasley
April Griffin

April Griffin has been a military wife and mentor to ministry leaders for 17 years. Her greatest mission is to inspire the military wife community to rise up and fulfill the Lord’s command to make disciples.


Through loving encouragement and vital accountability, April equips ministry leaders with Biblical truths that enable them to serve their communities well. She is passionate about connecting with the outcast, loving the lost, and introducing them to the transformational love of Jesus Christ. April helps women walk in confidence, reminding them of the strength they have to endure and overcome the unique battles of military life when they abide in Christ.

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